Turkish FM Gul to visit Arafat Soon

Shaath urged Turkey to help persuade Israel to implement the Quartet-adopted and US-sponsored “roadmap” for Middle East peace and contribute to reconstruction projects in the Palestinian territories.

“Turkey will add a factor in persuading the Israelis to move ahead in implementing their share of the roadmap … because of its particular importance in the area and its good relations with both Palestinians and Israelis,” Shaath told a news conference after talks with the Turkish foreign minister.

“The roadmap — though it is going to be difficult — opens the opportunity for a potentially successful return to diplomacy and reconstruction,” Shaath said.

He added the Palestinians hoped for an increase in trade with Turkey and wanted to see “Turkish companies join in the process of reconstruction in Palestine.”

Turkey, whose population is majority Muslim but whose government is strictly secular, has been Israel’s sole regional ally since 1996, when the two sides signed a military cooperation agreement, much to the anger of Arab countries and Iran.

However Ankara also maintains fully-fledged diplomatic ties with the PNA and supports Palestinian claim for statehood.

Shaath said he and Gul had discussed preparations for “a Turkish role in the international (Middle East peace) conference, which, according to the roadmap, should be made by the end of this year.”

He invited Turkey to participate in a number of committees set up by the “Quartet” that sponsored the “roadmap,” namely the European Union, Russia, the United Nations and the United States.

“How can mother Turkey be outside this club?” Shaath said.

Gul on his part said Ankara was determined to help “actively” in the peace process and was expending “great efforts” to that end.

He added that Turkey, which has been trying in vain for months to organize a Palestinian-Israeli peace conference, could contribute to the drafting of a Palestinian constitution and to educational projects, AFP reported.

Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer received Shaath on Wednesday.

Shaath was due to leave Turkey on Thursday.

His talks in Ankara came in the footsteps of a visit by Israeli President Moshe Katsav last week.