AKP, CHP Enjoy Joint Victory at NATO Meeting

Vahit Erdem, head of the Turkish delegation to the NATO Parliamentarians Assembly, announced that Turkey’s objections to the subject had been accepted and that they would be reflected in the fall report of the second periodic meeting.

The first semi-annual NATO General Council meeting of the year was held yesterday in Prague. Turkey was represented by eight members of the AKP and four from the CHP under the leadership of Erdem, AKP deputy from Kirikkale and head of the NATO Parliamentarians Assembly Commission.

In related news, at the spring meeting of the NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Madrid attended by Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, a decision was taken for NATO to assume command of the peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan. In addition, support emerged for Poland, which is to take over command of the international peace force in Iraq. In conversations with journalists after the meeting, Gul said that no official demand made by Poland for military assistance had been conveyed to Turkey.

Omer Sahin / Ankara / TURKEY