AKP-CHP Struggle Turns into ‘Blood Feud’

Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal along with other party leaders was donating blood yesterday at a temporary blood bank set up in parliament as part of a Turkish Red Crescent (Kizilay) Blood Week drive. Justice and Development Party (AKP) parliamentary group deputy chairman Salih Kapusuz entered the room while Baykal’s blood pressure was being taken. Surprised by the intense media interest in the event, Kapusuz asked: "I hope all is well. Why is there such a crowd?" Upon seeing Baykal, Kapusuz said, "Oooh, Mr. Baykal is here…" and added, "You can bleed three units from Mr. Baykal."

Refusing to be outdone, Baykal responded: "You are taking blood from our nation; we, on the contrary, are giving blood to the nation." Although Kapusuz stated that the AKP had given the most blood during the previous blood drive, Baykal did not waver. "You are the party that is taking most of the nation’s blood this time."

Ankara / TURKEY