The Ring Of Mockery

Here is what Time correspondent David Rohde reported: ‘Turkish Special Forces soldiers were caught trying to smuggle grenades, night-vision goggles and dozens of rifles into Kirkuk.’ In addition, Col. William Mayville, the commander of US forces in the city, made controversial media remarks on the issue, saying he was expecting the arrival of Turkish Special Forces in the region in an effort to incite Iraq’s Turkmen groups.

Yesterday, in an analysis of the situation, Hurriyet’s Sedat Ergin wrote that US officials very much regret these media reports as they’ve finally came to understand that the arms were there only to protect the safe passage of the convoy’s supplies. Thank God! The US has finally realized that Turkey has no intention of arming Turkmen groups! However, no matter what happens, Turkish convoys will be protected by US soldiers from now on. Americans don’t want to see unescorted Turks lurking about!

Let’s review a few basics of international relations:

If the necessary conditions arise, any state might send to another such special forces or teams. Some of them might even get caught. At that point, officials from the two states get in contact with each other, discuss the issue and come to an understanding. If there is no serious threat of spying or sabotage, the matter is closed and considered forgotten.

That’s why we can’t take seriously either the US media reports or their apologies afterwards. Let’s not forget that even Time admitted that US military officials in Kirkuk had been informed beforehand that a Turkish convoy was due there. In this case, I consider the Kirkuk fuss just another American show meant to browbeat or scare the Turkish leadership. This is nothing but a game in which the Americans are trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.

We should know who we are dancing with.