FT: Balances are changing in Kirkuk

The Chairman of the United Arab Front Vasfi Al Vasi said that the reason of their boycott was the one-week additional time given to receive the applications of 78 thousand Kurd voters.

Financial Times said that the right to vote given to Kurds returning to Kirkuk might change the election results in this city, after Talabani and Barzani threatened to boycott the elections. The new arrangement willl enable more than 100 thousand Kurds to vote and this will change balances in the regional assembly in favor of Kurds.

The chief column of Financial Times said that a sectarian strife in Iraq would effect all the region and the status quo in the Arab world has already ended the day when Iraq was invaded.

EU Joint Defense and Foreign Policy High Representative Javier Solana said that the boycott of Sunnis to the January 30 elections will be a disaster.