Cheney: Israel Could Intervene in Iran Before US

He said Iran is at the top of the US list of dangerous places, but Israel could intervene in this country before anyone else in order to prevent any possible Iranian threat. In his statement broadcast on MSNBC Vice President, went on to say that Iranian state policy is to wipe out Israel; therefore, Israel could decide to intervene in this country and leave it to others to clean up the diplomatic mess.

Tel Aviv has been concerned about the Iranian nuclear studies. In 2003, when Iran tested Shahab-3 missiles with a range of 1,300 kilometers and capability to carry nuclear-biologic warheads, this was harshly criticized by Israel as a country within this range. In an airborne attack in 1981, Israel hit the Osirak reactor in Iraq and it is claimed that Israel planned to hit a nuclear plant, which was debated for a very long time, in Bushehr, Iran. Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz had said in September 2004 that Israel could evaluate all the options including an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities in order to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons plans.

If it is "unavoidable", the US does not want war in Iraq added Cheney and if it is possible it would be better to solve the Iranian issue with diplomatic channels he said. The New Yorker magazine reported last week that American intelligence had crossed into Iran to determine targets for a possible US military offensive in this country, and speculation that Iran is possibly the next target of Washington topped the world agenda.

Meanwhile, the Iranian President Mohammed Khatemi said a US attack on Iran is unlikely. Holding a news conference during his trip to Uganda, Khatemi said, "I don’t think that the US would do such a crazy thing as to attempt as to attack Iran."