In his opinion, Palestinians will cast their votes for a candidate who will guarantee and secure their peaceful future in an independent state. Mr. Abbas is exactly the person to do so. However, the ambassador emphasized that the progress of peace talks with Israel does not depend on Mr. Abbas or any other Palestinian leader. "The ball is in Israeli court," he believes. "It is necessary that Israel observes the UN resolutions and follows the "road map" developed by the Quartet of intermediaries – the U.S., Russia, the EU and the UN.

The ambassador highly regarded the efforts of Russia in the Middle East peaceful settlement and called for the U.S. to play a role of an objective intermediary between Israel and Palestine.

In his turn, Palestinian Ambassador to Washington Hasan Rahman also noted that the United States favors Israel in its policies. "However, Palestinians have to realize that the U.S. is the key player in the Middle East. This fact cannot be ignored," he stated in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Ambassador Rahman also emphasized the importance of efforts taken by the United States, Russia and Europe in the implementation of the "road map" of the Israeli-Palestinian settlement. He also noted that Palestinians are grateful for the assistance provided by the global community in organization and conduct of elections of the PNA chairman and local (municipal) elections.