Bot: The Rules Are Being Changed Mid-Match

In a speech aired on Dutch television, Bot said, "I do not think it is fair to change the positioning of the goalposts during a match. We did not tell Turkey in 1999 or in 2002 that a referendum would be held after all these procedures. France and Austria should have raised the ideas of a referendum in 1963 or before 2004." With regard to Turkey’s signing of the Customs Union addendum protocol, Bot said they have to show Turkey that this does not mean the Cypriot Greek administration is recognized definitely and legally. As the Dutch ambassador to Turkey between 1986 and 1989, Bot said, "Turkey’s accession will be valuable. I can say this because I know Turks well."

Advisers Were Changing Erdogan’s Mind

With regard to the Brussels summit, Bot said the discussion were very difficult at first. "When Erdogan accepted something, one of his advisers would whisper something in his ear and Erdogan would start to change his mind. That is why we decided to send the advisers away and have the discussion among the three of us. Erdogan has only one translator. And even so, just when we started to think that we had made progress, he would go to his room across the hall and return with new provisions." The Dutch Minister pointed out that the next ten years of negotiations will allow EU citizens to get to know Turkey well and will give Ankara sufficient time for adaptation. Bot also said the EU would not apply anymore pressure to Turkey about the application of reforms during the membership negotiations