Arafat’s Funeral Before Eid Al-Fitr

The delegation was comprised of Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei, parliamentary speaker Rawhi Fattuh, PLO number two and former premier Mahmmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath.

Palestinian sources revealed to IOL on Tuesday that it was a matter of time that Arafat’s death would be officially declared.

A Palestinian official has also told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the death of Arafat was to be officially announced Wednesday at his Muqataa headquarters in Ramallah.

"The death of President Arafat should be announced Wednesday after meetings of the central committee of Fatah and the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to be held at the Muqataa," said the official who asked to remain anonymous.

Mediation efforts have been intensified between Mrs. Arafat and the Palestinian delegation in a bid to convince her to give the Palestinian Authority the right to have the final say on Arafat’s health condition in return for “financial concessions”.

Ramallah Burial

The source added that the official declaration of Arafat’s death could be delayed for more consultations between European leaders, chiefly France’s Jacques Chirac, and Israeli officials to allow the Palestinians lay their veteran leader to rest at his Muqataa headquarters in the West Bank town of Ramallah.

Palestinian Negotiations Minister Saeb Erekat confirmed Wednesday that Arafat would be buried in Ramallah.

"There is no doubt that if President Arafat dies he will be buried at the Muqataa," AFP quoted Erekat as saying.

Erakat refused to say whether there was an agreement with Israel to transfer the body to Ramallah.

The Israeli television reported on Wednesday that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon would meet later in the day with Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, Chief of Staff Moshe Yaloon and top intelligence officials to discuss the burial of Arafat in Ramallah.

Meanwhile, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has offered to hold an official funeral for ailing Arafat in Cairo, in the event of his death, a senior Palestinian official said Wednesday.

"Mr. Mubarak made the offer to members of Fatah’s central committee during their meeting, late last night in Ramallah," the official told AFP. "When God’s will is known, we will organise an official funeral in Cairo that world leaders can attend, then Arafat’s body can be transferred to Ramallah for burial," he added, quoting Mubarak’s offer, which he said Fatah had accepted.