Iraqi Shites against Kirkuk’s disintegration

Iraqi Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution (SCIRI) member Taki Al Mavla told reporters after meeting Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, called the attackers in Iraq who also killed Turkish drivers as "Remnants of Saddam regime, Zarqavi’s men". The attacks would end after Saddam’s trial and elections scheduled for January, he added.

Al Mavla said Iraqi people wanted to benefit from Turkey’s experience of democratization and they expected help and support from Turkey. Ankara already promised to provide support for the general elections in the neighboring country if needed. Gul did not make any remarks after the meeting.

Ankara is concerned over efforts by the Iraqi Kurdish groups to alter the demographic composition of the oil-rich city in their favor. Turkish officials frequently warn that Turkey could interfere if city falls under the control of a single group which could lead an internal war in Iraq. Kirkuk is home to Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens, that has close ethnic ties to Turkey.