Kerry Wins 2nd Televised Debate

Bush gained points with his domination of political issues and performed better than he had in the first televised debate which featured a tense and out of control Bush and a confident Kerry. He frequently reacted to Kerry’s words by jumping up out of his chair in the debate moderated by Charles Gibson, a journalist from St. Louis, the site of the second debate. When Kerry said, "I will not act on my own as Bush did in Iraq," Bush jumped up and said: "I have to respond him. Please ask Tony Blair whether or not we act on our own."

In a post-debate poll, 79 percent of viewers thought Kerry was more successful while 21 percent thought Bush won the debate broadcast on MSNBC television. The American press commented that one of the candidates failed in the debate. Kerry surpassed Bush by two points on the CNN/Today/Gallup and three points on the ABC survey.

The final debate will be held on October 13th.