First broadcasts in Kurdish Zaza aired on Friday

The 30 minute program featured the same summary of news, which was aired in Kurdish Kirmanchi, Arabic, Circassian and Bosnian. However, the release of four former Democracy Party (DEP) deputies and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the United States were also mentioned.

Music in Zaza and two short documentaries were also included in the program.

Meanwhile, Istanbul Caucasus Culture Association President Gunsel Avci praised the TRT’s decision to start broadcasts in Circassian, adding, "The state did something that made us very happy."

Speaking in front of the association headquarters in Istanbul, Avci said they hoped such programs would expand, noting that this would give the opportunity for people to better understand their culture.

Turkey Religious Affairs and Foundation Employees Union (Diyanet-Sen) Diyarbakir Regional Bureau Chief Hadi Erdogmus said that if religious sermons and calls to prayer were given in regional languages and dialects, it would contribute to the people’s sense of belonging and brotherhood.

He said they hoped that Turkey would soon get the European Union membership it deserved. He said that Islam had and would continue to unite 99 percent of the people of the country.