Some are silently working behind the scenes

The group includes representatives from the Turkish Chamber of Commerce (TOBB), IKV and Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (TUSIAD), A respected member of the Foreign Ministry Kaya Turkmen and one of the up-and-coming names from the EU General Secretariat Ahmet Acet. None of the expected bureaucracy exists there. They don’t occupy giant buildings. They just quietly work.

Then first thing they did was to construct a general view of the scene.

They compiled what the European Union member countries thought about Turkey. And then, they made a list of arguments, in cooperation with the EU general Secretariat and the Foreign Ministry. Contrary to the traditional Turkish bureaucracy, they worked and outlined their objectives.

This detailed work soon produced results.

They proved that the state institutions and private sector could cooperate.

If I have to summarize the activities of the group, in the last six months they held 80 separate functions in 25 EU member countries. Seminars, conferences and panels were held for Turkish experts to air the views of the Turkish nation.

The reason why I am talking about this group is to show you that some people, who we never hear of, are producing results, while others, more public, do nothing.

Mobilization of Turkey’s media
Communication Group concentrated on the European media.

Three media delegations were invited to Turkey (around 20 people). The guests met with Turkey’s leaders, including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul. They witnessed how committed Turkey was to become an EU member. It is being said that another 100 journalists would be coming to Turkey in the near future.

Additionally, the British Herald Tribune and the French daily Le Figaro will publish a special attachment on Turkey between September and December.

The British BBC, German NDR and Euronews, which broadcasts all over Europe, are preparing TV programs on Turkey. For example, the program prepared by the BBC will broadcast the program on Turkey in small portions 480 times.

Moreover, Turkish experts took part in debates on Television panels and talk-shows, and it is being noted that the number of Turkish guests will increase significantly in the next few months.

Other functions
Visual and printed media are not the only things used to influence the EU public.

There are significant efforts to cooperate with European non-governmental organizations. The internet site of the group is publishing the reforms undertaken by Turkey and gives examples of how they translate into practice. These reforms were also translated into English, German and French and distributed as pamphlets. These pamphlets were sent to all relevant internet sites, newspapers and universities to prove how committed Ankara is to implement these reforms.

Another advantage Turkey has is the experts who talk at the conferences and panels. One of the most important names is the State Minister responsible for religious affairs Mehmet Aydin. His knowledge of Islam and his different opinions make him one of the most sought after Turkish speakers at conferences in Europe.

Soon, international renowned Turkish novelists, journalists and scientists will start touring Europe.

We will read the US report everywhere
The U.S. 2003-2004 human-rights report on Turkey is full of news both good and bad. The fact that the U.S. thinks itself capable of judging other countries on human-rights issues, after the tortures in Iraq, may come as strange to some people. However, when a country becomes a superpower, no matter how much it is hated or loved, it always utilizes all resources available to it. Moreover, others, no matter how much they criticize the U.S., will use these reports to advance their interests.

The U.S. report on human-rights will be utilized by everyone the same way. For example, all human-rights groups will use some portions of this report. You will also see that the EU Commission will cite some passages of this report in its report on Turkey.

The worst passage in the report is the part where it is said that the torture in Turkey continues. Now everyone will be up in arms. They’ll say Turkey is passing reforms, but it is not implementing them.

Torture is the most important issue. Not the Turkish military’s dominance in politics. Whatever we do, we have to end this crime for once and for all.

The Ozal name did not deserve this
I became very upset as I read reports about Zeynep Ozal’s book. I wonder if there could have been a worse offense perpetrated against former President Turgut Ozal.

We read who Zeynep Ozal slept with and who beat her. Ozal’s daughter lived in the fast lane when her father was the prime minister. He used to tell his friends: "What else can I do? She is my child."

Everyone has the right to write about their private lives. No one can interfere with who you sleep with or what you do with you life. However, a person should not be allowed to damage her father’s name to this extent.

I have never met Zeynep Ozal, but I know she damaged her father’s reputation.

That’s unfortunate.