Turkey, Romania boost friendship

"The current trade volume between the two countries is around $1.8 billion, our target is to increase this amount to $2.5 billion this year and $3 billion the next year," Erdogan said, speaking at a press conference after meeting with his Romanian counterpart in Bucharest where he received a warm welcome.

Erdogan said there was a balance in terms of exports and imports between the two countries and many Turkish businessmen have investments in Romania, adding however this was not enough and the two neighbors should seek to make joint investments in other countries.

The prime minister also said that some 180,000 Romanian tourists traveled to Turkey last year, but this number should increase.

The two countries also signed cooperation agreements concerning small and medium enterprises and between the Eximbanks of both countries.

Support for EU bid
"With Turkey’s possible membership talks with the EU, relations between Romania and Turkey will be much more developed in the future," said Erdogan.

In return, the Romanian Prime Minister noted that his country would provide the necessary support for Turkey becoming an EU member, adding that with both countries’ entering the EU, bilateral relations will become stronger.

Turkey, having done most of her homework, strongly expects to get the go-ahead at a December summit of the EU to start membership talks with the bloc.

Nastase also thanked Turkey for its support for Romania becoming a NATO member.

Romania is expected to enter the European Union by 2007 together with Bulgaria and Croatia and joined NATO together with six other eastern European countries in late March of this year.

The prime minister also said the two countries should cooperate in the fight against terror, recalling the recent visits of Interior Minister Abdulkadir Aksu and Justice Minister Cemil Cicek to Romania to discuss the matter. He added that both countries should sign a protocol on the issue.