U.S. Ashamed to Release Annual ‘Human Rights Report’

The U.S., which releases annual international human rights reports, is skipping the tradition this year because of the images of torture in Iraq. The New York Times wrote in yesterday’s edition that the U.S. is holding off on publishing the report so that the world public would not ridicule it.

Meanwhile, U.S Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld testified before the Senate Armed Forces Committee yesterday and said that he is the responsible party. He also apologized for the incidents. While the Committee was grilling him, nearly 10 protestors entered the room and interrupted Rumsfeld’s speech.

Rumsfeld disclosed that a special investigation commission was formed to conduct investigations into the incidents that took place at Abu Gharib prison. The U.S. Secretary of Defense also disclosed that there are many other unpublished photos that show acts of torture and humiliation. He added that there are also video records of the incidents.

When Rumsfeld was asked about the calls for his resignation, he replied that he would not resign because people are trying to turn this into a political issue. The American media and Democrats have started a ‘resignation campaign’ for Rumsfeld because of the torture and humiliations that some U.S. Marines have been inflicting upon Iraqi prisoners.

Elsewhere, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill condemning the mistreatment by the U.S. troops. Meanwhile, American police officers that had previously worked at Abu Gharib prison disclosed that they have witnessed other torture cases that have not reported so far. They also said that the abuse is wide spread.