"Turkey to support Turkish Cypriots whatever result is"

ANKARA (AA) – Speaking at luncheon hosted after "Meeting on Economic Dimension of Annan’s Plan" organized by the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) at the Bilkent Hotel in Ankara on Monday, Gul said that the public and private sectors should undertake more responsibilities to remove economic gap between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides.

Noting that leaders of each country should encourage cooperation on basis of friendship and mutual interests instead of enmity, Gul said that general elections in Greece was an indicator of it.

"Turkey displays its good will and we hope that our good will would not be misunderstood," he said.

Meanwhile, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Denktas said that any country could not put the Cyprus issue in front of Turkey as an obstacle on its European Union (EU) path and the Turkish side had done its best.

Noting that they had expressed their opinions sincerely, Denktas said, "I think that also the Greek Cypriot side would vote yes next week."

Denktas added that Taiwan model should immediately be put into practice in case there would not be solution at the end of referenda.