Greek Cypriot media censors Verheugen

ICOSIA (NTV) – European Union (EU) Enlargement Commissioner Günther Verheugen’s spokesman Jean-Christophe Filori said on Monday that Greek Cypriot televisions censored Verheugen who wanted to address to Greek Cypriots that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Cyprus plan agreed with EU acquis communitaire by not allowing his speech to be broadcasted on TV.

Filori stated that the two television channels which broadcasted in Greek Cyprus didn’t want to interview with Verheugen.

Stressing that before referendum, Verheugen wanted to address to Greek Cypriots by saying that Annan plan would agree with EU acquis communitaire, but the Greek side didn’t allow it.


Close sources to Verheugen evaluated the Greek side’s approach as "hypocrisy." The Commission sources draw attention that Verheugen efforted a lot for Greek Cyprus’ EU membership and they said that Papadapoulos implemented a broadcast ban on supporters of Annan plan.

Stressing that the European Commission (EC) was not in pursuit of affecting referendum, commission officials accepted that a country’s behaviours which would be a Union member were not in accord with the EU values.