Both sides should say ‘yes’ to plan for solution

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat said on Tuesday that Annan Plan should not be considered as a victory for any side.

Talat and Dimitris Hristofyas, the secretary general of communist party AKEL and speaker of the Greek Cypriot parliament, held a press conference after their meeting.

Noting that many things they wanted were not involved in the plan but still the plan can be accepted with contentment, Talat said that Greek side could also say "yes" to the plan with contentment.

Talat said that they exchanged views with Hristofyas on referendum and Annan Plan. He added that Hristofyas told him that complying with Annan Plan timetable, finding solution to Cyprus problem until May 1 and membership of a united Cyprus to the European Union (EU) on May 1 were very important for them.

Hristofyas said that they gave detailed information about the decision of AKEL Central Committee during the meeting.

Noting that Annan Plan had negative and positive sides, Hristofyas said that they had the tendency of saying "no" to the plan.Talat said that holding referendum on schedule, resolution of the Cyprus issue and accession of whole Cyprus to the European Union (EU) on May 1 were very important to them and they had expressed these opinions at the meeting.

"We put forward our belief that postponement of referendum would have serious consequences for both the Turkish Cypriot side and it would create a deviation from the time table set by the United Nations," he said.

"Any side should not perceive Annan’s plan as a victory. Annan’s plan is just a document of compromise. Signals which are observed in the Turkish Cypriot side and mostly display positive feelings of Turkish Cypriot people should be perceived as the desire of a community that has lived under isolation and in an atmosphere of insolubility for long years," Talat said.

Stressing that there were many factors which they wanted but could not obtain, Talat said, "similarly, we could not have many factors included in this plan to reach a livable agreement and solution."

Noting that an "acceptable" plan had been put forward despite everything, Talat said, "according to me, this ‘acceptance’ with contentment is not only for Turkish Cypriots but also for Greek Cypriots. We have never had the opinion of removing rights of Greek Cypriots and not recognizing them. Because we know that we have to reach a compromise to live on this island. We have acted upon the understanding that rights of a side should not be taken."

"If we mutually display good will and respect each other’s rights, desires and feelings, there is no reason that prevents us from living together on this island and I believe that the result and this plan we reached is a plan that can provide it," Talat said.

TRNC Prime Minister Talat added that their meetings would continue and they would hold another meeting soon to continue their evaluation.

Talat will also meet with representatives of main opposition party DISI.