Gen. Basbug meets with US’ Wolfowitz

WASHINGTON (AA) – General Staff Deputy Chief General Ilker Basbug, who is currently paying an official visit to the United States, met with U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and U.S. high-level officials on Wednesday.

General Basbug first met with U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman General Peter Pace.

Later, he met with U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz.

General Basbug also held talks with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Mira Ricardel for Eurasian Affairs.

He is expected to meet with Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley later in the day.

General Basbug is scheduled to meet with Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth Jones for Europe and Eurasia on Thursday.

Earlier, General Basbug said that all important issues concerning both Turkey and the United States would be taken up during his visit to the United States.