Turkish-German Cooperation Council to meet in Ankara

ANKARA (AA) – 10th session of Turkish-German Cooperation Council will take place between March 18 and 19 in Ankara. Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Ugur Ziyal and German Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Klaus Scharioth will chair the delegations.

A Foreign Ministry statement said Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul will join the opening of the meeting.

Three working groups will be formed and cooperation on industry, trade with investments and tourism are expected to be discussed.

Foreign Ministry Deputy Undersecretary Alev Kilic and German Ambassador in Ankara Wolf-Ruthard Born will sign a protocol at the end of the meeting.

Meanwhile, political consultation meeting will take place on March 17 under the leadership of foreign ministry undersecretaries of the two countries.

Bilateral relations, Turkish-EU relations as well as regional and international relations are expected to be discussed during the political consultations.