Women protest honor killings in Istanbul

The "Feminist Women’s Platform" group asked the men present to support women causes and to stay aside.

On behalf of the group, Beyhan Demir stated in the press release that "the story of Guldunya Toren is no different than the stories of many other women."

"We protest the killings of women and honor killings. The brothers or the other persons who are the murderers should not benefit through decreased punishment," stated Demir.

Demir also stated that the number of women’s shelters should be increased and the government should allocate more money for the protection of women.

Pinar Turenc, Motherland Party’s (ANAP) Istanbul female mayor candidate also stated that "Guldunya Toren took refuge with the police and the state, however they did not protect her. The murderers are still hanging around freely; why does not the government arrest them? The aim of our pr