Greek proposal for Cyprus

The Greek side rejected this too. Their approach is towards relegating the Turkish Cypriots to minority status. It was clear that the talks would end in stalemate with such a beginning…

This Greek attitude shows that the talks will come to nothing. Ankara and Athens will be expected to intervene, with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan serving as arbitrator. Let’s look at the Greek proposals now:

* The Turkish side must vacate all regions it is slated to, leaving them to the UN without any transition period.

* Only those who cast ballots in the December 1963 elections and their children will be allowed to vote in the referendum.

* Before the referendum, Ankara and Athens have to stipulate that they accept the plan and must explain it clearly (the Greenland model).

Even these three proposals show that the Greeks are in no rush to reach an agreement. Rather than seeking a just and lasting solution, the Greek approach is to decide whether or not to add a ‘minority’ to its internationally accepted state … Now without knowing what the Greek side is saying and proposing, how can the people be informed enough to decide in a process to trigger an automatic referendum? How can one have any idea without information? How will TRNC President Rauf Denktas keep this to himself and stay silent?”