16-Year-Old Palestinian Suicide Bomber Attacked Tel Aviv

16-year-old Amir el Fahri, from the Askar refugee camp in the West Bank, carried out the attack. After the attackers identity was found, the Israeli army entered Askar and during operations there, killed a 12-year-old child. The army has denied the incident. In a separate operation in Nablus, the Israeli army killed three Palestinian members of the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade.

The suicide attack coincided with a proposal in the Israeli parliament to compensate Jewish settlers who are forced from their homes as part of Prime Minister Sharon’s withdrawal plan. Sharon said that the attack proved that "nothing changed in the Palestinian administration". The Palestinian government condemned the attack.

The last suicide attack was in Jerusalem on September 22nd , where two Israeli police officers and the assailant, a Palestinian woman died. One fifth of all Israelis have lost a friend or relative since the Intifada began in September 2000. While 66.2 percent of participants in public opinion survey by Haifa University said they were skeptical about the government’s ability to provide security, 56.3 percent said they were pessimistic about their future because of the Intifada. Since the Intifada began, 3,509 Palestinians and 957 Israelis have died.